It's officially
DAY TWO of my
legit final year in Dentistry school. I've been in "4th year" on paper for quite some time, but this is actually the
first time in a really
long time that my clinic level is actually in sync with my actual year level!:) No longer am I "half-3rd year, half-4th year", this time, it's actually
I haven't been blogging (here, at least!) for a few days now, and it's because my laptop charger broke down, and since Blogger doesn't have a mobile app, I only blog
here when I'm on the computer. I wrote a little about it, and you can read it
I've been trying to keep myself busy by spending more time with patients, or if not, studying for case discussions. I never really was a
stick to a schedule kind of person, so
actually following through with plans is fairly new to me. I've kept planners in the past, and still keep one, but what I've noticed is that I allow unaccomplished plans drag everything else down.
My goodness, that has got to stop.
my week, so far! |
I've started writing on my planner
in pencil. By writing in pencil, I could just easily erase whatever plans I'd have to move around. Seeing plans written in pens x-ed out is just depressing, easy erasing just keeps the positive vibes going on. Of course, I'm a
legit senior now. I could use every bit of positivity I can give to myself.<3
I spent the first session of the day with my Comprehensive Perio patient. We had a little talk about inflammation. I decided to forego prophy today, because I had to re-orient myself first with the new Compre Perio protocol of the clinical division. Aside from that, I've also been feeling the need to modify the treatment plan to include a splint. I still have to consult with the new Perio professor (aka. Perio Dad).
props |
My original treatment plan was an ideal one, but sometimes, problems just come
seemingly out of nowhere. Conditions initially improve, and then they go the other way. I'm a little bit sad that I have to alter my treatment plan at
this stage. I can't help but have these
Am I not a good diagnostician? Am I not good, period? Why didn't I see this at the beginning? feelings, but I'm learning, so I probably shouldn't beat myself up about it. The patient's well-being is more important than my ego after all, so that's enough for me to see my treatment plan modification in a positive light.:)
..oh and my patient gave me a donut.<3
It's the first year of the government's K-12 initiative, and my university has complied. UPHSD caters to students from pre-school to doctorate levels, and since our university is so tiny, we pretty much share the same space most of the time. Since K-12 has a provision for Senior High, the university had to make space for the new kids. I know it's really shallow to be ranting about this, but I find it really crazy that the university admitted hundreds of new students, but didn't add any new bathrooms.
Me, at the bathroom near the male-dominated college. NOBODY ELSE IN THERE!!!! |
I know this is too much information, but I peed about eight times today, and only
once was I able to
successfully pee at the bathroom closest to the College of Dentistry. All the other seven times, I had to go up to a different college's building, or I had to use the bathroom at the auditorium (still another building away).
THE BATHROOM IS ALWAYS FULL, AND IT'S CRAZY! I know that we have to be patient with the younger students, but I really don't understand why they use the bathroom as a social hall of some sort. I know that the bathroom is air-conditioned and all, but why would anyone want to
stay in a room where people pee?
Hmm.. Okay, what else about my day?
Oh yeah, LUNCH!
You see, I had to buy a new laptop charger yesterday, and I spent so much of my money, and it threw my weekly budget way off. I'm not going to tell everyone how much (more like, how little) money I have in my wallet, but I feel that if I do, people would start asking me if I'm okay.
Well, I actually am okay! My maid packed a nice lunch for me-- paella and carrot cake.
don't worry about the hair on the photo, it was on the table, under the plastic container |
I'd say that my home-cooked lunch is the sole positive thing I've gotten from my
broke-ness. Well, aside from my new charger. My maid is an
awesome cook. Enough said.:)
Oh, I also finally have a Comprehensive Restorative Case patient! I waited really long for one. At one point, I even declared that I felt that the reason why God hasn't given me one yet at that time was that I may have not been ready for it. I have one now, so yay!
"when much is given, much is expected." |
Now I have to study, really really, really hard for my case discussion. Like I said, I waited
really long to have a Compre Resto patient, that's why I fully intend to give my best preparing for it, and carrying out the treatment. I read Chapter 3 of
Cawson's, which is actually a
pathology book. I know I probably should have read a
restorative dentistry book instead of a
patho book, but I wanted to give myself a really good foundation for the treatment that I would (really soon!!!) carry out.
If I say that I have it in the bag, or that I know the matter by heart, I'd totally be lying. I learned a few new things here and there, so yay, I feel like a winner already.
I wish all days would be like this (but more with more patients, hehe). I have to prepare myself for horrible days, but I need to arm myself with enough optimism to make even the horrible days better. Life is what we make it after all, right?
Corine Magenta.