
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

La Chocolate Craves.

Over the past few days, I've been craving chocolate-- sweets in general, but mostly chocolate. Cravings like this don't always happen, because more than anything, I'm a savoury person. Under normal circumstances, I'd choose a nice big slab of meat over cake, but I'm currently under an estrogern + serotonin + cortisol shift, and it can only mean one thing...

When under the influence of hormones, a supermarket with a wide variety of sweet snacks is definitely not the correct place to be in (or around, for that matter). Unfortunately, I got sucked in to the chocolate vortex, and then this happened.

I call this my "basket of questionable life choices".
While at the supermarket, getting all these chocolate-based snacks seemed to be correct. I sincerely thought that I could eat all these in one (or maybe two) sittings. I honestly don't know what in the world I was thinking.

I like chocolate with wafers, pops, and cookies inside. What can I do? I like crunchy things! A long time ago, I went through a Choco Mucho Phase wherein I'd seriously eat unspeakable amounts in single sittings. I think I was approximating the border to addiction, but I started running out of money, so I kicked that old habit away, thank goodness! While I still fall into chocolate binges every now and then, I highly doubt I'd ever go back to that very sweet self-inflicted physical abuse ever again. Haha.

I also came across Ovaltine cookie sandwiches. My impression was that they were like Oreos, except that they're.. Not

It's been so humid lately that I haven't exactly been feeling like doing my make-up. Today, I just put sun block on, did my eyes, and stained my lips-- that's all! No blush, no concealer, no no no. Truth be told, I kind of even regretted putting on eyeliner. UGH, so humid.

I took a trike going home. It's one of those public transport vehicles wherein a passenger car is attached to a motorcycle. I live in a large residential area wherein taking trikes is perfectly fine and decent. While taking trikes around my are is rather expensive, it's pretty okay because the drivers adhere to certain policies and safety measures, this and that. Fares from point to point are set, so there's no real threat of overcharging and the like.

I had so much chocolate on me, so I shared some with the trike driver. Dual purpose-- I get to make someone happy, and at the same time, I get to control myself a little bit better.

I got home and got down to business-- CHOCOLATE.

At the supermarket, I was seriously convinced that I'd be able to eat a lot tonight, but I guess I was wrong, because after a few bars, I was full. I'm no longer the Choco Mucho lover I used to be. I got full so quickly that I didn't even have the appetite to eat my Ovaltine sandwiches. See? That's what happens when you're under the influence of hormones-- you think you can eat everything, but you can't. Then you feel defeated. No, I'm just kidding.:) Eating so much chocolate isn't good anyway.

Well, at least now, I'll have something to share with Dr. Brian's daughter the next time I swing by.:)

I've been exploring dental trade as a side thing for a few weeks now. I'm enjoying sending letters of inquiry, looking through price quotations, and talking with sales associates. Now, I promised myself that I wouldn't work this week in order to mentally prepare for the coming semester that starts in a few days, but I can't really get over these burs. I've been periodically looking through a catalogue that one of my overseas suppliers sent me about three days ago, and I'm quite impressed. We'll see how this side thing goes.:)

I started my day a little bit late today, but I think it was productive. I've completed my enrolment for next semester, and I had a mind-opening talk with Dean Alforja. I like to believe that there's no where to go but up. I have a really interesting to-do list tomorrow. I really want to head over to Dr. Brian's for RPD wax pattern mentoring, and while I'm in the city, I should probably go look for the Oral Pathology book I've finally decided to get. 

I hope tomorrow would be as interesting as today was.:)

Magenta Dreamer

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