I don't know where you've been all this time, but I know you have got to be somewhere. I've never really held solid evidence of that, but I think I just knew, deep in my heart. I know that I'm okay as a single unit, but I also know that I could be stellar, if part of something a little bit more special than an island. I know that I'm meant to be part of something significant, and that when I do become part of something significant, it would be amazing. I know this, I know that, and you know what-- I'm actually sure. The only problem is, for someone so sure, there's one piece of vital information that I do not know of, let alone, am sure of-- I have no idea who you are.

Ang laki-laki ng mundo. Mahahanap mo pa kaya ako?
The world is so big. Could you possibly even find me?
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