
Friday, July 8, 2016

Fruit :)

I went on a mini fruit haul today!

fruit haul
I've been reflecting on my food choices lately, and I've come to realize that I haven't been eating things that are necessarily healthful. I've been eating hell of a lot of rice, which is good, but when it comes to viands, I've been filling myself up with meat, and regrettably, a lot of it has been processed. I've also been eating a lot of sodium-rich junk food, which I'm sure is responsible for my crazy bloating. I haven't been eating the best food lately, and it really sucks.

I've been so tired all the time, and my skin hasn't been at its best, so I figured that it must be what I've been eating, because truth be told, neither my sleeping habits nor my skin care routine have been altered. While sure, it's the time of the month, and hormones are going crazy, but I've never had a period that has made me this tired, or this ugly. I just don't feel my best, that's all. And I blame all the junk food.

Now, I'm really not a fruit person. I'm not a sweets person either. Given a choice, I'd much rather have grilled eggplant or something over apples or oranges. If this weren't a skin thing, I probably would have gone to the vegetable section of the supermarket instead. I'm just not the type to be "in love" with fruit unless it's dragonfruit or coconuts. I tried juicing for a while, but it didn't really hold up. It was just fun forcing fruits down the receiving tube, but that was just about it.

I never really realized how expensive fruit is. I know that I live in the Philippines, with natural resources and all, but please, I live in Metropolitan Manila, the capital. The closest "fruit source" here is about 45 minutes away, and they only have pineapples there. Before coming to Metropolitan Manila, fruits have to get loaded into big trucks, and hauled through highways, from provinces and provinces. When the fruits get here, they're not as fresh as they should be, and they're quite expensive. Either way, I lose.:(

Well anyway, I decided to buy them anyway.

I have an interesting relationship with soursops. In Filipino (Tagalog), and I'm guessing in Spanish as well, it's called guyabano. When I was younger, I really liked instant guyabano juice, but now that I've been able to eat the actual fruit, I'm not sure I like it very much.

It's not the first time I've attempted to eat guyabano. Probably about a year ago, I bought one from the supermarket, but I hated it, but only before realizing that I opened it up before it had ripened enough. Today, I made sure that mine was ripe. I didn't hate it, but let's just say that I finished half of it, and gave the rest to the maid. I remember my grandparents really liking guyabano when they were alive, and now that I think about it, I'm really starting to wonder why.

I would have gotten sugar apples (atis) instead, but the ones at the supermarket were pretty hard and unripe, so I passed, but it I had the chance, I would have gotten sugar apples instead.. because sugar apples are the best.

I came across a mutant orange today. I swear the internet has ruined me, because the first thing I thought of when I saw it wasn't exactly something you'd expect to think of when you see fruit. I don't know. Have I just been corrupted, or does it really look like something?

Tell me what you think it looks like. I dare you.
I don't like oranges. I hate how the skin is so thin, and whatever fruity goodness is inside is almost always sour. I prefer mandarin oranges-- little adorable sweet things, easy to peel, yo.

I had half a honeydew today, and a few longans, and well, they were good, nothing special. I was too full to have anything for dinner, and to be honest, I was too tired to eat anything else.:(

Errrrr... That's it?

Corine Magenta

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