
Monday, May 16, 2016


I've been going through a few tummy issues. It started last Wednesday, paused over the weekend, and now it's back! I'm starting to think that my tummy has developed an allergy to weekdays.. Or maybe it just doesn't want to come to school--? Still, the mind and heart are superior to the tummy, both in an anatomical and in an "enlightened zen hipster" sense; therefore, I really had to declare: NOTHING WILL STOP ME TODAY!

I really wanted to give myself a good breakfast today. That would ideally mean having something high in fiber, and/or low in sodium. Unfortunately, when dealing with tummy issues, fiber is not something you'd want hanging around your system.

I decided to have some chicken and potatoes, and then some rice. Carbohydrates, I know! The thing is, I was trying to get as much "binding food" as I can. There's this thing about the BRAT diet, also known as Food for Getting Over An Upset Stomach. B is for bananas, R is for rice, A is for applesauce, and T is for toast. I really wanted to adhere to what the BRAT diet called for, but since there isn't much food variety around campus, I did the best that I could.

--or maybe, I was just looking for an excuse to eat chicken.
Oh my beloved chicken. <3

I went to a restaurant across campus. I know, I know, I know.. It's really odd to be eating alone at a restaurant. Some people say they can't.. but of course, this is me. I can very well get a restaurant table and be comfortable with solitude. The thing is, I always feel constantly surrounded by people, and sometimes, I really crave legitimate me-time.. So that's what I do when I want to be alone-- I go out. And eat.

It's really ironic how someone who claims to be comfortable with solitude to be easily bored at restaurants, but it's my dichotomy. When I go out, I like taking reading materials with me. The whole Dentistry senior thing has just started to sink in, that's why most of the things I read these days have a lot to do with Basic Medical, or Basic Dental subjects. Currently, I'm working on an Anatomy review booklet. I'm actually struggling with Anatomy. I struggled with it in first year, and I'm struggling with it now. I really want to believe in myself, but it's a little bit difficult right now.

I like to think that I made m school day as productive as I possibly could. Well, I was able to start writing my RPD Case Portfolio, so I guess that's something to be proud of. We don't need to come up with stellar results instantly, I feel. We just need to start, and then hope that we don't die.:)

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